BWGWD Boundary Map Information
District_Parcels_2021_v7 (00254994xE2E14).xlsx
september 29, 2021 extra infomation for meeting.pdf
97-08 - Butte Water District Reorganization.pdf
9-13-1990 Pritchard Annexation (00249580xE2E14).pdf
4-3-1975 G#1 (00249577xE2E14).pdf
1952 Inclusion of SBCC Properties in BWGWD (00249583xE2E14).pdf
1-9-1969 Order re Cassady Annexation (00249576xE2E14).pdf
6-20-1967 1,000-Acre Inclusion (00249581xE2E14).pdf
5-11-1967 Order re MJ Justeson Annexation #2 (00249575xE2E14).pdf
7-9-1958 MJ Justeson Petition for Annexation #1 with BWGWD Consent (00249574xE2E14).pdf
Undated 1996 BWD Resolution re 1,000-acre Detachment (Draft) (00249582xE2E14).pdf
1997_3acre annex to BWD (00253515xE2E14).pdf
3-4-1976 Chambers and King Annexation (00249578xE2E14).pdf
10-6-1942 Resolution Forming BWGWD (00249571xE2E14).pdf
11-12-1942 Purchase of SBCC Property (00249572xE2E14).pdf
11-22-1976 G Justeson Annexation #2 (00249579xE2E14).pdf
1997 BWGWD Detachment_Butte Water District Annex (00253444xE2E14).pdf
LAFCO Cert of Completion.pdf
1966 Annexation TO BWGWD (00253517xE2E14).pdf